Friday, November 30, 2007

How it Works

I got an email from a travel mate who had asked her agency what happens when referrals arrive. Here is the responce.....

The referrals will arrive at West Sands first and fed ex out to agencies same day. Agencies should receive them the next day. Agencies then fax me a copy and I will do the translation. Presumably agencies will contact families immediately after they receive the referral package

OK...West Sands is an umbrella agency for several small agencies, mine included. So that's the way it works. It's a little bit more complicated than your standard large agency. Just thought you guys might want to know the process. Oh and the person referring to himself in the e-mail is Adam. He's is the coordinator on the US side. He will be in charge of making travel plans once referrals arrive.


prechrswife said...

To add a little to that--We got our pictures and basic medical info from our agency as soon as they got the info from WS. Then, a day or two later, we got the official package from Adam with the translated, more detailed information and the acceptance letter that we had to sign and send back. Beware the "drop and run" Fed Ex delivery person--you could easily have the same one that we had. Our referral packet sat on the front porch for hours before we found it. We contacted the agency for the tracking number, checked the Fed Ex website, and saw that it said the package had already been delivered. Talk about frustration! All's well that ends well, though. :-)

Jen Talley said...

Thanks Dusty
That makes me feel much better to know we will hear something when our agency receives the referrals.

Tracy said...

Praying Praying...can't wait! :-)