Monday, December 10, 2007

So What Do We Do Now

Well, we already sent off Acceptance Letter. That was a "no brainer". Once everyone in my travel group sends their's in, then we wait for our TA(Travel Appoval). This can take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. Once we have that we wait a few days more for our CA(Consulate Appointment) and travel dates. Then it's time to start looking at plane tickets. So we are thinking that travel will happen in mid January. But it could also be as late as February.

We are having some more of her medical stuff translated( immunization records). And we have an appointment with our pediatrician on Wednesday so he can look things over and give us some anitbiotics for our trip.

I'm getting together a care package to send at the end of this week. We will enclose a photo album, an outfit, a disposable camera, and some candy. And Nana has some gifts she wants to add too. We've heard that this orphange is excellent at using the cammeras and returning them on Gotcha Day. And those photos will be priceless.

I am also wanting to send off for our Visas next week. This entails paying for a currior. The one we are using is near D.C. So next Monday we will be mailing our stuff to them.

So as you can see we are keeping busy for the next couple of weeks. Please remember to pray for Mei and her health through these cold months. I want her to be a healthy, happy baby when we go get her. We are so overwhelmed with emotion at times. We just want to hold her and love on her. I am actually amazed at how in love with her I already am. It's like the Lord sealed her in my heart the minute I saw her. She's my child. And it truly feels no different than my love for my three sweeties here with me now. I'm just amazed.....


prechrswife said...

Isn't it amazing how everything kicks into high gear once that referral arrives? Wait...wait...wait...wait... Then start running at high speed and don't stop until you get home from China. :-)

Jen Talley said...

I have been a bit overwhelmed and then this morning found out that the currier we had decided to use is taking 2 weeks off this Christmas. So after a split second freak out, we found another one to use.

prechrswife said...

We used one in the Houston area, and she was wonderful. I'm glad you found someone to work with.

Mrs. Chief said...


Unknown said...

Jen. This is lindsey from like 25 years ago.


I'm (slowly) learning to speak Mandarin. Rosetta Stone has a good program. Maybe we can practice together. I'll let you know when I learn "bell" and "balloon." Until then, all the best to your family.

Jen Talley said...

Hi Lindsey!!!

Has it been that long??? Man...I'm old. How cool is it that Tiffany's family has the same Sir name. I would at least like to learn how to pronounce her name with out butchering it. I'll look into Rosetta Stone.