Monday, December 3, 2007

10 a.m. China time

Well it's 10 a.m. in China and no news here for the day. There was a report of agencies receiving packages, but it turned out to be TA's(travel approvals). So here's to hoping tomorrow morning brings "good tidings of great joy". And that would be that packages are in the mail. :)


Mrs. Chief said...

Hang in there sweetie!Just keep clinging to the day that Mei will be waiting for you with open arms, for I know the Lord has placed you in her heart already...please leave some lovin'for me!

Courtney said...

Good tidings of great joy! We may get the call on Thursday says the RQ!

Jen Talley said...

I know I read the blog this morning!!! So exciting!!!

And Aimee...I would love for her to have open arms when we go o get her....pray into that one.:)

Pastor said...

Our best wishes for you from Seville!!! We think that Mei is very, very near!!!

prechrswife said...

I hope RQ is right about that package! I'm anxiously waiting to see Mei's sweet little face. :-)