Tuesday, October 2, 2007

5 days

That's how many day CCAA referred this month. Not good. I'm thrilled for the families who received their referrals, but 5 stinkin days? This is not fun anymore. I just want my daughter home. For those of you who are standing with us through all this we have started praying for paperwork to be released. I don't know what's going on over there, but it's not good.

Just to put it in perspective..they referred from November 25 to November 30 and two of those days are a weekend. Our LID is December 12.

Thanks for letting me vent...I'm sure I'll be better tomorrow. :)


prechrswife said...

Yucky...the frustration continues. At least they have finished November. I know for us it helped to know that they were at least getting to our month next.

Anonymous said...

Sissy...this is not the time to be discouraged. We are in DECEMBER! YEAH!!!!! Remember, God's timing is what is important. You have placed Mei in His hands and He will carry her, you and Mike through the next referral month."Be anxious for nothing, but in everything (even five stinkin'days of referrals) give thanks!" I love you, you are my hero!!!!

Courtney said...

Vent away! It seems many of us December LIDers are having a field day with frustration! Unbelievable!God help us to stay sane! Really, I'm not kidding!