Friday, August 24, 2007

One for Mei too

Nathan and I were at Big Lots yesterday and I ran across some cute kids place mats for the table. I asked Nathan to grab three for him, his brother and sister. He then responded with "Can we get one for Mei too?"

You never know how much that blessed me. This wait has been so long and hard on the family. It's sometimes hard to keep Mei in the forefront of our family life. We have just had to move on with our daily schedules. And Mei sometimes just seems out of sight out of mind, especially with the kids.

So now we have four cute place mats on our table and that makes her not seem so far away.


prechrswife said...

How sweet is that? :-) You are getting closer.

Courtney said...

We're getting there! Praying for a big batch miracle!